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Senin, 10 September 2012

Dr. Masaru Emoto's Experiment - Water Crystals

Interesting Read ^^ - enjoy

IN last week’s column, A dummies guide to quantum physics, I put forward the main theories and ideas of quantum physicists. Of these were the theory that we all collectively play a role in creating reality, that our brains are only able to see what we believe is possible or have experience of, and the idea that thoughts can have real effects on physical reality.

A popular example of the latter was an experiment conducted by Japanese scientist Dr Masaru Emoto who published his findings in a book called Messages from Water. Emoto was studying the effects of music on water molecules. He found that water molecules seemed to take on different shapes depending on the music they were exposed to. This is interesting when we consider the effect of music on plant growth and the effect of Mozart on milk production in cows.

Emoto then began experimenting with the effects that words, prayer, thoughts and blessings might have on water molecules. Again, he claimed that the molecules took on different shapes depending on their labels and affirmations offered (see images). Some of the labels consisted of simple words or statements such as “thank you” and “peace”. Emoto’s published results indicated that water crystal formation was sensitive to these things and concluded that molecules of water “are affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings”. The science that affects water­ molecules in this way is still unknown.

Water molecule formation (thoughts?)

Emoto’s work has, however, been met with controversy within the scientific community. It was found that he did not publish the entirety of his photographs­. It is also unknown whether or not he ruled out or ignored crystals that did not support his hypothesis. It is sadly something that cannot be soundly verified.

However, Emoto’s experiments still hold interest when we consider that the human body (as well as plants and other animals) are almost entirely made of water. I’m sure we all also know of someone who says they’ve experienced spiritual or alternative healing. We could also consider how we heal faster or get sick less frequently with a positive state of mind, or how subjective pain is. All these secrets may lie in the molecular make-up of water.

What’s more is that water is one of the most complex and unique compounds known to science and chemistry. It may just be a simple combination of hydrogen and oxygen, but the intricacies of water are far more complex. It is not only the most receptive element, but also the only one that can be in all known states (e.g. solid, liquid, gas).

We can take things a step further and consider how the human brain is mostly water and may then too be subjected to thoughts or emotional conditioning in profound ways. The brain is a vast system of neural networks which communicate with each other electrically and chemically. They respond to stimuli picked up from our environment by our sense organs and proceed to send chemicals from the brain throughout the body. Each cell is covered in receptors which absorb chemical combinations (called peptides) and respond accordingly. It can be said the behaviour of our watery cells change depending on the peptides they receive.

Following this process we all build up models of how we see the world outside of us. These are refined according to the information we have or receive. This is how we each form our own personal world view or ideology. However, any new information we pick up from the environment is always coloured by previous experiences that we’ve had as well as the emotions associated with those experiences. People may think of love very differently, for example, if their associations and experiences of love differ.

However, what quantum physics and biology have shown, is that these neural networks are able to rearrange themselves according to the emotions we feel and experiences we have on a daily basis. If we experience anger and despair often, our neural networks will adapt to provide more of the chemicals that cause these emotions. Similarly, if we manage to control our thoughts and maintain more of a positive outlook on a daily basis, more favourable arrangements will be made. And that is somthing that science does agree with.

Minggu, 09 September 2012

The Magic of (Positive) Words

Suatu ketika, diceritakan seorang perempuan yang memiliki suami yang berprofesi sebagai seorang tukang masak (koki) di sebuah restoran terkenal. Karena Sang suami sangat pandai memasak, ia selalu dapat menemukan kelemahan dalam masakan istrinya sendiri. Saat makan malam merupakan saat-saat yang kurang menyenangkan bagi si istri. Selalu saja sang suami makan diiringi komentar tajam dan kritikan pedas. Hingga sang istrinya seringkali berpikir untuk berhenti memasak saja.

Pada suatu hari, sang suami mengalami musibah kecelakaan dan tidak tertolong (meninggal dunia). Beberapa tahun kemudian, perempuan itu menikah kembali dengan seorang pria yang berprofesi sebagai seorang manajer di sebuah perusahaan. Sebagai seorang istri yang baik, ia tetap berusaha menyediakan makan malam di rumah untuk suami barunya walaupun ia merasa tidak percaya diri. Sebelum suaminya makan masakannya untuk pertama kali, ia berkata, "Maaf ya, Pa, jika masakanku kurang enak. Aku memang kurang pandai memasak." Ternyata, setelah mencicipi masakannya, sang suami berkomentar bahwa seumur hidupnya baru kali ini makan makanan yang terenak didunia. Sejak hari itu, setiap kali hendak berangkat kerja suaminya selalu mengatakan, 'Ma, aku selalu tidak sabar untuk pulang ke rumah karena mau menikmati masakan mama.' Pujian itu semakin membuat istrinya gemar memasak. Sampai akhirnya membuka sebuah restoran yang terkenal dengan masakan yang enak tiada duanya.
~Author, unknown~
Sesungguhnya, tutur kata yang kita ucapkan memberikan dampak besar terhadap diri kita sendiri maupun orang-orang di sekitar kita. Kata-kata positif akan jauh lebih bermanfaat dan mendorong kepercayaan diri. Untuk itu, marilah kita senantiasa berusaha berucap positif demi kemajuan hidup kita.

                             Satu kata baik lebih berharga daripada seribu kata-kata buruk.