Welcome Note

Dear Visitors,
Welcome to this blog. You may or may not find what you are looking for here. In anycase, feel free to look around and browse the content. This is basically a space for me to share what little that I know from my experience and from 'peeping' into others' blogs. Oh, the wonder of internet! I do hope you can get some 'things' from this blog. Enjoy and have a great life!

Senin, 10 Juni 2013

The Root of Problems

All problems that we have, are basically caused by ourselves. And it takes courage to admit this simple truth. Once we acknowledge this, most problems can be solved, if not all.
Many times we feel that other people are against us, that they are always trying to get at us, that everyone is angry at us. This cause us to feel apathy towards most people around us, looking at them with distrust and contempt. If we look at this closely, it is aparent that infact, we are the one who is projecting the negative vibes to those around us, and they simply reflect our own light. So why not project positive vibes so that WE will get good lights back at us...
Often times it was simply our one-sided perception that misguided us in the direction that we chose to take.

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